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Restrict a Drop

You might want to restrict a drop on a certain zone based on some conditions. For this you can use the onBeforeDrop() event.

A To-do app

This is a demonstration on how to restrict drops based on the status of each column using the onStart, onDrop and onBeforeDrop event. It will make sure that tasks can only be moved to columns with a different status.

<div class="columns">
  <div class="column" data-status="todo">
    <div class="task">Task 1</div>
    <div class="task">Task 2</div>
    <div class="task">Task 3</div>
  <div class="column" data-status="in-progress">
    <div class="task">Task 4</div>
    <div class="task">Task 5</div>
  <div class="column" data-status="done">
    <div class="task">Task 6</div>
  target: ".column",
  onStart(_, { origin }) {
    // Set the data-status on the dragged element
    // This allows us to check the status in `onBeforeDrop`
    if (origin) {
      origin.dataset.status = originZone?.dataset.status;
  onBeforeDrop(_, { origin, zone }) {
    const status = zone?.dataset.status;
    const currentStatus = origin?.dataset.status;

    // Allow dropping on a zone with a different status
    return status !== currentStatus;
  onDrop(_, { origin }) {
    // Remove the data-status from the dragged element
    if (origin) {
      delete origin.dataset.status;